It may be used to break up a network conceptually for improved security and performance and more effective resource utilization. Furthermore, extensive logging and monitoring tools can detect and prevent unwanted access. To protect communication within the VPC, encryption technologies such as IPSec and SSL can be used.

  • We can achieve this by defining tags on the test and production instances and then adding a condition to the IAM policy that allows access to specific tags.
  • You can use these different tools to ensure optimum cloud strategy and performance.
  • A storage system used to store persistent data is called elastic block storage (EBS).
  • By asking this question, interviewers want to gauge your hands-on experience and ability to analyze and act upon the insights provided by these tools.
  • Once you connect your datacenter to the VPC in which your instances are present, each instance is assigned a private IP address that can be accessed from your data center.
  • A VPC is the best way of connecting to your cloud resources from your own data center.
  • They’re interested in your expertise in implementing best practices for access control and ensuring that only authorized users can perform specific actions on the resources in question.

You also configure the scaling rules determining when and how the scaling action will occur. The first step in setting up auto-scaling is to define and input the criteria that will trigger an Azure Monitor Alert. Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a fully managed container orchestration service that allows customers to run, manage, and scale Docker containers without worrying about the underlying infrastructure. Scalability is the ability to add resources to a system or application to handle an increased load. Cloud engineering skills are topping the list of 2023’s most in-demand tech skills, with 75% of tech leaders planning to build all their new products and features in the cloud. According to, a cloud engineer in the US makes $121,465 per year, on average.

What is a maintenance window in Amazon RDS? Will your DB instance be available during maintenance events?

In the spirit of doing that, here are some AWS interview questions and answers that will help you with the interview process. There are a number of different AWS-related questions covered in this article, ranging from basic to advanced, and scenario-based questions as well. For the IAM users, I created a policy that required MFA for specific actions, such as accessing sensitive resources or performing administrative tasks. After attaching the policy to the appropriate user groups, I guided each user through the process of activating their virtual MFA devices using either Google Authenticator or another compatible application. VPC — or Virtual Private Cloud — is used to create a virtual network in the AWS cloud.

However, instance store volumes do not persist beyond the life of the instance, meaning that any data stored on them will be lost if the instance is stopped or terminated. A storage system used to store persistent data is called elastic block storage (EBS). Block-level storage volumes and EC2 instances can be used with EBS for throughput- and transaction-intensive workloads of any scale.

Cloud testing Interview Questions and Answers for qa engineers

Unlike VMs, containers share the host operating system but are isolated from each other at the application and process level. As a result, containers are even better at helping to minimize unused computing capacity (2-3x more efficient). That’s why we created this ultimate guide to cloud computing interview questions, covering seniority levels from basic to advanced and broken down by specialty.

aws cloud engineer interview questions

We also need to consider factors like security, scalability, and cost optimization when selecting these services. As an AWS Cloud Engineer, you’ll be working with various EC2 instances to achieve the right balance of performance, cost, and availability. Understanding the differences between instance types, such as T2, M5, and R5, is critical to selecting the right resources for your projects. Interviewers ask this question to assess your knowledge of AWS services and your ability to make informed decisions when architecting and deploying cloud-based solutions. Interviewers want to assess your expertise and hands-on experience with AWS CloudFormation, a key service for automating infrastructure deployment in the AWS ecosystem.

How do you stay up-to-date with the rapidly evolving world of cloud computing and testing?

I find that software development and DevOps experience translate nicely into the cloud. If they value and understand the ideas discussed in this post, they typically can learn the cloud-specific nuances quickly. Above all, you want an individual who can holistically look at your architecture and continuously optimize. Its main advantage is its multi-cloud compatibility, allowing you to manage infrastructure across various cloud providers like AWS, Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and more. Terraform uses its own language called HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language), which is human-readable and easy to learn. While Terraform provides flexibility in managing multiple cloud platforms, it may not always have immediate support for newly-released AWS features compared to CloudFormation.

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The hiring manager is seeking to gauge your understanding of AWS architecture and its various components. As an AWS Engineer, you will be working with these components daily to design, implement, and manage cloud infrastructure solutions. This question is designed to assess your ability to troubleshoot and solve complex problems within the AWS cloud environment. It also provides insight into your critical thinking skills, adaptability, and ability to work under pressure. Hiring managers want to know that you can navigate challenges effectively and efficiently while maintaining a high level of service and security for the organization’s infrastructure.

Elasticity is the ability of a system to scale capacity up and down in response to changes in demand. To prepare better for your upcoming Cloud engineer interview, you can check our post on Google Cloud Interview Questions. The permissions it launches are the ones that decide which one of the AWS accounts can use the AMI when launching instances. Further, it requires a block device mapping for determining the volumes in the correct order to connect them to the instances when they’re launched. Likewise, when you want to kill a command or finish a command during on-going commands then you can prefer to use the Kill command.

A hybrid cloud combines the use of public and private clouds and on-premises infrastructure to achieve a balance of cost, performance, and security. AWS provides multiple security features and compliance programs to ensure the security of customer data. These include security controls, compliance certifications, attestations, and a shared security responsibility model. GCP is often considered the cheapest provider of cloud computing services, though prices have leveled out over time.

To excel in the role, a cloud engineer must have a solid understanding of cloud computing technologies and practices. Cloud interview questions serve as a comprehensive guide for candidates seeking cloud engineering positions and recruiters seeking top talent. Identity Management enables organizations to manage and control access to cloud computing resources, sensitive data, and other IT services. With cloud security named one of 2023’s top threats by executives, here are some cloud security engineer interview questions and answers for vetting cybersecurity professionals. Software as a service (SaaS) provides access to fully formed software applications over the internet, typically on a subscription basis. SaaS is meant for end users to use directly — the provider manages all aspects of the software in the background, including infrastructure, security, and maintenance.

  • This approach requires changes to the application code to ensure it is optimized for the cloud environment, such as utilizing serverless architecture, microservices, and cloud-native data stores.
  • It varies from a rolling deployment because it is focused on user effect rather than infrastructure.
  • Your ability to articulate this experience demonstrates a strong understanding of cloud automation and the value it brings to an organization.

Eucalpytus (Elastic Utility Computing Architecture) is an open-source cloud technology platform for building private and hybrid cloud computing environments. Though this question may seem simple, having a candidate talk through a cloud computing project is an excellent way to gauge their overall experience level and give insight into their thought process. The approach allows companies to take advantage of the strengths of different cloud platforms while avoiding vendor lock-in and reducing the risk of downtime. A successful multi-cloud strategy ensures visibility, interoperability, and security.


Command is the same command which can be used for stopping or finishing the on-going processes. Hence, if you want to control various processes on a Linux operating system then you can use the above-mentioned management commands. In addition, the discussion might also include the use of KPIs to measure workflow effectiveness. While each interview situation is unique, there are some overarching questions candidates can expect.